Top 5 things for the oily skin man

by - 7/29/2016

Oil on our face is a catch 22 thing. Too much of it keeps us stressed and too less of it keeps you...well literally stressed! Today we take a look at the top 5 things every man with too much oil (on his face) needs,

1. Face Wash - There are many face washes specifically designed for oily skin. Take a look at what they contain - salicylic acid, neem, tea tree oil or lemon is what you are looking for. Ofcourse there are other stuff you can look at especially if the claim is to remove excess oil

2. Scrub - All that dead skin bringing the shine from your face down needs to go away! An exfoliating scrub can do the trick. But too much of it can wear the skin down so make sure what the product claims to do and how often should you be using it. Usually this info is available on the packaging itself. Scrubs containing walnut, avocado and extracts from other fruits can be found easily

3. Packs - Yeah, yeah...face packs are girly! But when it comes to stripping off that extra oil from your face and cleaning it from all that pollution and gunk and other bad stuff, a face pack is a necessary evil. Go with a neem pack or simply prepare one yourself using multani mitti (fuller's earth)

4. Moisturizer - Now the normal tendency is to think about moisturizers as something that adds extra moisture to your face and with an already oily face, why would you need to add extra moisture... is a really good question! But experts say everyone needs a moisturizer and that is the reason there are products available in the market especially designed for oily skin. Neutrogena, Clean and Clear are two brands you may take a look at. Aloe Vera gel is also a very good option that easily absorbs in the skin and naturally moisturizes

5. Shampoo - Believe it or not, shampoos play an important role to keep your skin oil free. If you use a hair product or (worse) hair oil, your face tends to get oilier and thus it is important that your skull is squeaky clean and is not sending those extra oil soldiers down on your face! Look at milder shampoos that are natural and can be used daily

And those are our top 5 items every man with an oily skin must have. What do you think?

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