Decoding the Hoodie - How to wear one?

by - 10/05/2017

Explore the look
Alright gents, now that we have covered the history and the type of hoodies let us get into the real question. Let us focus on how you can sport one. And you don't necessarily have to sport one just like everyone else does in the same old boring way. Considering how hoodies are typically a winter item, try throwing in more layers which will pave the way for more stylish outfits,

1. Denim Jacket - There is no way that you haven't seen this look either in real life or on some screen. Denim jacket and hoodie is probably the first layering option you can think of when getting into the layering game with the hoodie.

Explore the look
2. Leather Jacket - Now leather jackets are supposed to fit you like your second skin but if your hoodie is sleek and if your jacket allows for some room, there is no better way to jazz up the entire ensemble than this layering option. Throw in some boots and jeans and god knows you look bad ass!

3. Joggers - Alright, enough of the winter options, if your hoodie isn't too bulky you can pull off a stylish athleisure look by pairing it with the right joggers and sports shoes.

4. The hoodie - Obviously you can wear the hoodie by itself over any other piece of clothing that you are already rocking, a pair of jeans, chinos or shorts and get going with your everyday look

As you might have guessed by now, hoodies can be quite versatile if you don't fall in the same old rut of wearing it like everyone else at your local mall!

Below are some hoodies for you - check more at Amazon

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