Behold the Waistcoat. Waistcoat is almost always going to be the star of your outfit whenever you are wearing it without a suit. With this article we make sure that you are up to speed on this wonderful wardrobe item.
1. When to wear

2. Fabrics
Waistcoats come in all kinds of fabric. From cotton to corduroy and from denim to leather. Ofcourse the level of formality is different based on the fabric used. No points in guessing how cotton and cords will be more formal than jeans and leather.

3. Building the attire
Coordinating with the waistcoat is important. You have to base it on the formality level of the fabric and the occasion. A white shirt will go well with formal waistcoat. Similarly stressed light color jeans will do just fine with casual waistcoat. You can always add some details like throwing in a tie or a scarf or even a pocket square to jazz things up.
4. Stuff to avoid
Avoid double breasted waistcoats and leather waistcoats unless you are a cowboy.
5. Waistcoat or Vest
There is no difference between the two. Americans call it vest, infact everything without sleeves is called a vest. Brits call it a Waistcoat.
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That's all for this article. Do share your tips and tricks about the waistcoat and how to totally own one.